WoW! it's really been a while, shame on me for letting you guys down.
This..i guess my one and only post in this short month called February will be unusual. As some of you know i don't and i haven't been making posts about shops, but this time im making a difference.
I am the proud owner of this store, which i launched last year Dec 12th. Since that day i've been having ups and downs with the store location, but finaly i got it sorted and now its right here. ;D
So now ill tell you a little bit of minkA! This store offers clothing for men and women as well as footwear, make ups and pretty soon accessories too :)
Every month im sending out a free monthly group gift which you can get either way from a group or just popin by the mainstore and clicking on one of the boards. As this month was all about Valentines day you still can get nice tank top and flounced skirt for women and long sleeved shirt for men and its all free for you to grab it and enjoy \o/
P.S. they are made from MESH so please be aware that you need to use mesh friendly viewer :)
minkA! also offers 10% discount for all items if you are a group member, sounds fun right?
I still haven't got a grand opening for the store BUT it's coming soon and it will turn out to be a great event with lots of discounts and gifts so if you want to be a part of it follow minkA! @ FB right here -> minkA!FB
or minkA! blog as some of you might know, by clicking ->here<-
Hope you are excited as i am and ill keep you up to date here and there and of course i have some places to see and share with you ;D
As minkA! would say.. Happy shopping!